

Eminent Domain Concerns in Fresno's Chinatown: KFSN-TV30 (Fresno CA), 2/16/06

Some Fresno [CA] business owners are not happy with a developer's plans to transform the Chinatown district.

Fresno's Redevelopment Agency wants to extend the power of eminent domain to cover the entire area.

It would give the developer the power to buy any property in the district.

Even supporters of Chinatown's redevelopment say the proposal hasn't been clearly explained.

"When that doesn't happen, you have a lot of confusion," said Chinatown activist Kathy Omachi. "You have a lot of people feeling they might be run over by the process."

Additional public meetings on the Chinatown plan will be held over the next two weeks.

It goes before the city council in mid-March.


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