
Document indicates OSU planned eminent domain use: KTEN-TV10 (Denison TX), 2/20/06

A confidential document on Oklahoma State's strategy for building an athletic village indicates officials planned to use eminent domain as early as December to acquire property.

The plans are in opposition to O-S-U's contention that using eminent domain was always considered a last resort. The document outlines a strategy by O-S-U and its private foundation and sets a timeline for buying properties, including using eminent domain.

But foundation Vice Present Gary Clark says the document was quickly dismissed because it was too aggressive.

Controversy erupted in November after O-S-U's consultant told owners their property would be bought by June first, using eminent domain if necessary.

Since then, O-S-U officials have described the comments as miscommunication and say eminent domain always was considered a last option.

Clark says eminent domain was mentioned as a possible boost to rental property owners who could avoid capital-gains taxes if they sell under the threat of eminent domain and reinvest the money in similar rental property within three years.

KTEN-TV10: www.kten.com

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