
Keeping the economic momentum
The Cincinnati Enquirer, 10/12/04

Newport KY candidates' views on eminent domain

By Jeanne Houck

• Gassert [for mayor]: Wants four-year ban on use of eminent domain. Cities don't appreciate personal ties families have to buildings. Eminent domain has turned into way to make developers rich, as opposed to taking land for public good.

• Guidugli [for mayor]: Legal tool city has used appropriately to benefit community. Gives city a strong financial base to deliver quality police, fire and public works services and to reduce tax burden.

• Ballard [for City Council]: Should be used only as last resort. Acknowledges aging tax base and lack of land that can be developed makes projects like retail-office-residential plan in Cote Brilliante neighborhood attractive, but thinks residents there have been shabbily treated by some on city commission.

• Buechel [for City Council]: Doesn't like eminent domain but thinks it necessary at times. City must offer fair market price when buying homes.

• Fennell [for City Council]: Prefers developer negotiate with property owners rather than city use eminent domain.

• Hall [for City Council]: City would die slow but sure death were it not for power of eminent domain and creation of redevelopment districts. But says using eminent domain never an easy decision.

• Hayden [for City Council]: Eminent domain should never be used to take homes and should be restricted to public projects like schools and highways.

• Knepshield [for City Council]: Fear and criticism over eminent domain is overblown in Newport. City has used it to appropriate very few properties for Newport on the Levee and Newport Aquarium.

• Jerry Peluso [for City Council]: Eminent domain only appropriate when property is taken for overall public good and property owners are justly compensated.

• Johnny Peluso [for City Council]: Would oppose use of eminent domain unless every single property owner affected agreed to sell their property and city gave them a fair price.

The Cincinnati Enquirer: www.cincinnati.com

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